Üç Adalar

  • 24 October
Üç Adalar
Located in the west of Antalya near Kemer district, Üç Adalar is 5 km from Tekirova beach. There are actually four islands in this area, namely Seagull, Picnic, Cave and small.

Three Islands is one of the world famous diving centers to discover the riches of the underwater world. It has 9 reefs and 2 underwater caves. It is one of the places that should be seen rich with the magnificent underwater creatures that nature offers us. You will come across priest fish, trumpet fish, grouper, Mediterranean moray eel, trachunia, sea rabbit, squid, octopus, Mediterranean monk seal, barracuda and many more fish types.
You can reach these islands with deep blue waters and diving areas by boat tours from Kemer, as well as by boat or even by canoe from Tekirova beach.


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